How Ghost Mannequin Improves Clothes Outlook
What is Ghost mannequin?
Ghost mannequins are not real humans. They are only computer-generated (CG) human models created using Adobe Photoshop or other photo editing tools. You may have seen them in movies or advertisements. Ghost mannequins were first introduced by Pixar Animation Studios in their movie “Toy Story”. Their usage has since spread to other industries such as fashion, eCommerce, film, video games, etc. A ghost mannequin is a perfect solution for use in advertising and selling products online because they look realistic while being completely digital.
How do I use a Ghost Mannequin for my product image?
If you are a photoshop or photo editing expert or have a high-tech studio you might be able to create your own ghost mannequin for your products. But it’s not too easy a task for him who is not a photoshop expert. So, you should find a professional Ghost Mannequin creator expert. You can hire professional Ghost Mannequin experts to create your product image for Ghost Mannequin to show your product more realistically on your online store.
Why would I use a ghost mannequin?
By using a ghost mannequin instead of a real person, you get to avoid having to pay someone to stand around and pose for your ad campaign. Plus, a ghost mannequin looks much more realistic than a real human, especially when the lighting is poor. Also, you don’t have to worry about anyone getting hurt by accident, such as falling over or bumping into things.
Can make Ghosted clothing look better?
Yes, definitely! You can always tweak the settings of the ghost once it’s added to your image. Make sure that the settings match your style. If you’d like to learn more about adjusting the appearance of a ghost, check out YouTube videos and Adobe articles. You can see some examples in the example photos of how the Ghost Mannequin makes the clothes look much better.
Which clothes need Ghost Mannequin?
Ghost Mannequin is important for the clothes like Luxury dresses, T-shirts, Jeans Pants, Shorts, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Jackets, Pants, Bra & Panties, Sportswear, Leggings and Tops, and so on, especially when you are going to sell them online.